Pot Odds Requirement for 2-7 Single Draw Poker



In draw poker with two to seven Low cards, only pot odds determine if staying in the game makes sense. Your chance of making a winning hand must be over the ratio of money you must call compared to current pot. Say the pot has $10 and you must call $5 more, pot odds 1 to 2 mean you need 33% or better chance of improving to winning hand. So study your cards, think of community cards showing and calculate if enough low unpaired cards likely remain, then decide if pot odds justify calling that bet. Betting when odds favour you and folding when they don't is the overall strategy.
I think in 2-7 Single Draw Poker, the goal is to make the lowest hand possible. This means that your pot odds requirements will differ from other forms of poker where the goal is to make the highest hand possible. You should consider the value of each card in your hand and what is needed to complete a low hand, and adjust your pot odds requirements accordingly.
Calculating pot odds involves comparing the potential reward of winning the pot to the cost of calling a bet. For example, if the bet size is $20, the pot size is $40, and your call size is $20, the total is $80.