Property Owners in Times Square Unite in Support of SL Green Casino Bid

A Caesars Palace Times Square casino is proposed for 1515 Broadway, with support from property owners like One Times Square.

Plans face opposition from Broadway League, concerned about congestion. Times Square businesses form a No Times Square Casino Coalition.

Actors Equity Association supports, citing increased security benefits for the neighborhood. The development plan by SL Green, Caesars Entertainment, and Roc Nation aims to transform 1515 Broadway into a premiere entertainment in Times Square.
The proposed Caesars Palace Times Square casino at 1515 Broadway has garnered support from property owners, including One Times Square. This suggests that there is strong interest within the property owner community to support the development of a casino in this prime location.

However, it is important to consider the opposition the project is facing. The Broadway League, an organization representing the interests of Broadway theater owners and producers, has expressed concerns about potential congestion that could arise from the casino's presence in Times Square. Their worry is understandable, as Times Square is already known for its bustling crowds, and adding a major casino could exacerbate the congestion further.

In response to the proposed casino, businesses in Times Square have formed the No Times Square Casino Coalition. They likely have concerns about how the casino's development could impact existing businesses, as well as the overall character and image of Times Square. It is crucial to carefully assess the impact such a project could have on the local economy and the livelihoods of these businesses before moving forward.

On the other hand, the Actors Equity Association, the national labor union representing actors and stage managers, has voiced its support for the project. Their argument is grounded in the potential benefits the casino could bring to the neighborhood in terms of increased security. Times Square, being a bustling tourist hub, has faced security challenges in the past, and the Actors Equity Association believes that this development plan would help address those concerns.

The development plan, led by SL Green, Caesars Entertainment, and Roc Nation, aims to transform 1515 Broadway into a premier entertainment destination in Times Square. While the idea of creating an iconic entertainment venue in one of the world's most recognizable locations is appealing, the concerns raised by the Broadway League and the No Times Square Casino Coalition should be taken into serious consideration.

A comprehensive analysis of the potential economic, social, and security impacts should be conducted before any firm decisions are made. It is important to balance the desire for economic development and increased security with the needs and concerns of existing businesses and the community as a whole.