Proposed Legislation Aims to Regulate Sports Betting Advertising in Canada

Senator Marty Deacon plans to introduce legislation to the Senate Public Bill, aiming to establish guidelines and regulations to address gambling advertising issues.

The Canadian senator is calling for government regulation of sports gambling advertisements, citing concerns over the increasing exposure of Canadians to these ads and the potential for developing gambling addictions, particularly among young people and vulnerable groups.

Senator Marty Deacon argues that sports gambling ads have become pervasive and inescapable, reported CTV News. She emphasizes that these ads go beyond being merely annoying, as they can lead to addiction and other harmful consequences associated with gambling problems.
Gambling advertisement always have it own impact on the community and it should be handle with proper care, those advertising gambling should also create awareness of responsible gambling so as to avoid loss of funds.
Gambling advertisement always have it own impact on the community and it should be handle with proper care, those advertising gambling should also create awareness of responsible gambling so as to avoid loss of funds.
Most time the impacts of these sport and gambling advertisements are always negative. There are many that always carried away by the false information that these advertisement always potray.