Responsible gambling: why occasional use is generally safe.


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Most people are aware of the harms of problem gambling.playing pokie machine,placing bets and visiting caainos can be a very expensive form of entertainment,and when gamblers lose more than they can afford , the consequences can be disastrous for the person playing and for their family's.

But gamblers product are only harmful when people consume too much of them.gambling is like alcohol, occasionally use is generally safe .so just like the two -drink maximum for alcohol, establishing guideline for responsible gambling could reduce the risk of over use.
We cannot rule out the possibility of people to take risks in gambling. Gambling is an institution that develops human postures or reaction in terms of risks outcomes. But what we are saying in essence is that it should not develop into addiction. This is too dangerous to human's health.
Responsible gambling is actually one way many makes use of to gamble , some actually should not gamble excessively and others , they should gamble on what they could afford to lose inorder not to lose more money and others