A renowned playwright once said, "All the world's a stage," and the FIFA World Cup is undoubtedly one of the biggest events in modern culture.
This aspect of the argument was not lost on Varun Sudhakar, Chairman as well as Co-Founder of BetDEX Labs, who explained how such competitions can give crypto-betting companies and other players in the larger crypto sector a significant PR boost.
In a joint press conference with SBC News and Payment Expert, Sudhakar recognized that people's faith in the multi-billion dollar cryptocurrency business has declined as a result of the collapse of the bitcoin FTX three weeks ago.
This aspect of the argument was not lost on Varun Sudhakar, Chairman as well as Co-Founder of BetDEX Labs, who explained how such competitions can give crypto-betting companies and other players in the larger crypto sector a significant PR boost.
In a joint press conference with SBC News and Payment Expert, Sudhakar recognized that people's faith in the multi-billion dollar cryptocurrency business has declined as a result of the collapse of the bitcoin FTX three weeks ago.