Roulette Bots Vs Card Counting - Which Is More Effective?



Roulette bots and card counting are controversial methods of winning at casinos. While roulette bots use technology to detect wheel patterns and place bets, card counting relies on memory and math skills. Though both strategies require skill and practice, I personally find card counting more challenging and effective long term. It is difficult to program a bot that can overcome all casino defenses, meanwhile a trained eye and mind can count cards consistently for many years. What do you think is a more rewarding strategy based on skill, risk, and longevity - roulette bots or card counting? I welcome varied perspectives.
I don't actually think it's impossible, I believe with determination, most things can be done even they are bar things but the question is, is it advisable to make only gambling your career with having other things you're into
I don't actually think it's impossible, I believe with determination, most things can be done even they are bar things but the question is, is it advisable to make only gambling your career with having other things you're into
Making Gambling your career is a very bad idea no one should try.