Seimas will vote on raising the gambling age in Lithuania to 21.

Lithuania parliament, the Seimas, is considering a proposal to raise the minimum age for all gambling activities, both online and offline, to 21.

MP of the Homeland Union Party sponsors the move, aiming to tighten gambling laws. The proposal set for a July 2024 implementation gained initial approval.

Amendments would prohibit individuals under 21 from various gambling venues, aligning with the current age restriction for casinos.
Raising the minimum age for all gambling activities to 21 in Lithuania is a significant step towards tightening gambling regulations. The proposal, sponsored by an MP of the Homeland Union Party, has gained initial approval and is set for implementation in July 2024.

Aligning the age restriction for various gambling venues with the current age restriction for casinos seems like a logical move. By setting a consistent age limit across all gambling platforms, it ensures that young adults are protected from the potential risks associated with gambling.

Raising the gambling age to 21 acknowledges the potential harm that gambling can have on individuals who are not yet fully matured and may be more susceptible to impulsive behaviors. Research has shown that the brain continues to develop until the mid-20s, and adolescents and young adults are particularly vulnerable to engaging in risky behaviors, including problem gambling.

By raising the minimum gambling age, policymakers aim to create a barrier that limits the access of young individuals to gambling activities until they reach a stage of better decision-making and impulse control. This move could potentially reduce the incidence of problem gambling and protect vulnerable individuals from financial and psychological harm.

It is also worth noting the broader global trend of increasing the minimum gambling age to 21. Many jurisdictions have already adopted this age limit, recognizing the potential risks associated with gambling and the need for stronger safeguards for young adults.

However, it is important to consider the potential impact of this proposal. Raising the gambling age to 21 may face criticism from some who argue that individuals at the age of 18 are legally recognized as adults and should have the freedom to participate in gambling activities if they wish to do so. Balancing individual freedom with the protection of vulnerable individuals is a complex issue in gambling regulation.

Overall, the proposal to raise the gambling age to 21 in Lithuania reflects a growing awareness of the potential risks associated with gambling, particularly for young adults. By aligning the age restriction across all gambling platforms, policymakers hope to create a safer gambling environment and reduce the prevalence of problem gambling among young individuals. The proposed implementation in July 2024 allows time for stakeholders to adapt and prepare for the changes ahead.