SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator Leeds Clients Jackpot Bet Sum to Over €1,3bn in Q2

The SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator, a comprehensive solution for boosting player engagement in online casinos, presents the results of its work in Q2 2023. One of the breakthrough milestones appears to be the jackpot bets sum, which has exceeded the previous quarter by 41%.

The sum of jackpot bets placed in jackpot games showcases the scale of the Jackpot Aggregator’s operations and reflects the high level of player engagement and loyalty it helps drive across online casinos. In Q2 2023, the SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator facilitated jackpot bets sum to EUR 1,357bn, demonstrating a significant increase compared to the previous quarter.

Additionally, the product team highlights a 36% growth in the number of brands that have chosen the robust jackpot solution from SOFTSWISS compared to Q1 2023. With over 55 brands already benefiting from the Jackpot Aggregator, the number of clients and brands continues to steadily grow.