Spanish police arrest gang leader that stole 260 identification cards for gambling purposes

Spanish police have been busy in recent months battling organized crime that preys on the gambling business. Police were able to identify a group that used stolen identities and computer system hacks to open online gaming accounts thanks to a recent arrest. The accused leader of the organization was detained in Madrid as a result of the so-called Pippen operation, which was organized by the Computer Crime Service of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office in Granada. Additionally, it placed nearly 50 people on the radar of the law because of their potential involvement. The unnamed gang boss is accused of a plethora of offenses, and as the prosecutor's office develops its case, additional charges may be brought. He has already been charged with money laundering, forging documents, stealing people's personal information, hacking computers, and criminal plot.
This is one of the reason why we should guide and keep our identification information very secured. Now, identity theft is becoming a serious problem in the world. It is our responsibility to keep our identity protected because we will be held accountable if any goes wrong with it.
This is one of the reason why we should guide and keep our identification information very secured. Now, identity theft is becoming a serious problem in the world. It is our responsibility to keep our identity protected because we will be held accountable if any goes wrong with it.
Yes. We should keep our identification details secretive in order to avoid situations like this. We must be very care while submitting data online. Most of these illegal casinos are launched purposely to collect bio-data of unsuspecting punters in order to use for illegal operations.