Sports betting in North Carolina unlikely to be operational before the Super Bowl

The top lottery regulator in the state of North Carolina announced on Wednesday that sports bettors will not be able to legally place wagers in time for the Super Bowl.

Sportsbook operators are requested to submit applications to the North Carolina Lottery Commission by December 27. However, officials have not yet decided when betting will start.

The applications stipulate that regulators must review the applications for 60 to 90 days in order to check the backgrounds of important employees and companies. This means that the earliest possible time for betting to begin would be late February.
This is really unfortunate that sports betting won't be operational in time for the Super Bowl in North Carolina. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest betting events of the year and it would have been great for locals to legally place wagers on the big game. Hopefully the review process moves quickly so betting can start up soon after the Super Bowl.