Star Casino and United Workers Union Against the Tax Increase

The workers in Sydney’s Star casino are worried about their future – and with a reason. Since gaming taxes will be increased in July, many of them will lose their jobs. That’s why the Union decided to schedule a meeting with Daniel Mookhey, an NSW Treasurer, to discuss further steps.

Are the jobs jeopardized:

Dario Mujkic, the Director of the United Workers Union, is worried about the taxes, which will cost the Star Casino about $100 million per year. It will negatively impact the employees, and their number is currently about 4.500.

As the Union claims, the tax revenue will have to be revised and balanced with the impact the casino has on jobs and people’s lives. The treasurer will have to carefully examine the consequences of Matt Kean, the controversial Liberal predecessor, and work in the best interests of both parties.
I hope this tax hike could seriously backfire, voices of reason urging its rejection are welcomed. The interests of workers, businesses, and communities as a whole must come before any misplaced zeal for new taxes.