Study reveals youth gamblers more likely to have addiction upon growth

According to new research, Irish people who gambled in some capacity when they were younger are nearly twice as likely to suffer from a gambling problem as those who were never exposed to gambling directly.

A study conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute also discovered that individuals who had a parent who gambled heavily when they were younger had an almost twofold increased risk of developing a problem with gambling.

A national representative sample of 1,663 adults in Ireland participated in an online survey conducted by researchers. The findings indicated that 4% of respondents had a gambling problem and another 25% had some indication of a gambling issue.
Some of these report or surveys are misleading and unreliable. I simply believe that some of these reports are simply trying to get attention! I have a friend that don't gamble simply because his father is a chronic gambler who failed miserably in life. That phobia keep him from gambling for life. All these surveys is simply misleading.