Talking about how lucky you are by playing a poker is a winning strategy.



Never discussed about that you are unlucky with your opponent while playing poker game. Rather,you should always talk about how you have been solucky and always talk about your success stories and how you have been winning always by playing the poker games. With this, you have created some level of fear on your opponent and you will be able to win because it is another winning strategy that is mostly used by a good poker gamer.
Never discussed about that you are unlucky with your opponent while playing poker game. Rather,you should always talk about how you have been solucky and always talk about your success stories and how you have been winning always by playing the poker games. With this, you have created some level of fear on your opponent and you will be able to win because it is another winning strategy that is mostly used by a good poker gamer.
I am so elated that you are bringing out different strategies to win the poker games and I am so much in support of your assertion because when you continue to talk about your success stories in the presence of your opponent , it will throw fears into his mind and you'll be able to take advantage .
I am so elated that you are bringing out different strategies to win the poker games and I am so much in support of your assertion because when you continue to talk about your success stories in the presence of your opponent , it will throw fears into his mind and you'll be able to take advantage .
This is another strategy that could be used to throw your opponent in a disarray. By the time you continue to talk about the stories of how you have been winning in the poker, your opponent will lose his focus.
By I think that can of word can change or man other players fear because on a general note, that word itself is wrong. You can tell an opponent that you're lucky to win the poker game because the poker game is not even a game of luck. If you win, you win because you're good enough to win
By I think that can of word can change or man other players fear because on a general note, that word itself is wrong. You can tell an opponent that you're lucky to win the poker game because the poker game is not even a game of luck. If you win, you win because you're good enough to win
That is a very good strategy that could be adopted at the poker table. By the time you begin to talk about your success stories, it will intimidate your opponent and you will be able to use that advantage to win him at the table.