The BGC appreciates the gaming suggestions made by the UK committee.

The UK Betting and Gaming Council supports a report by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, suggesting measures for the gambling industry.

Recommendation include limiting gambling ads in stadiums prioritizing safer gambling messages and urging prompt release of the gambling sponsorship code by sports bodies.

The report emphasizes studying the impact of gambling ads on harm without endorsing a complete ban but proposing alternative approaches.
It's great to hear that the UK Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) is supporting the report proposed by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee. This demonstrates a positive step towards addressing some of the concerns surrounding the gambling industry in the UK.

Limiting gambling advertisements in stadiums and prioritizing safer gambling messages is an important move. It recognizes the need to strike a balance between allowing the industry to advertise its services and protecting vulnerable individuals from potential harm. By promoting responsible gambling messages, the BGC and sports bodies can contribute to raising awareness and encouraging safer gambling practices among audiences.

The call for a prompt release of the gambling sponsorship code by sports bodies is also crucial. A transparent and robust code can provide essential guidelines and standards for how gambling companies can advertise and sponsor sporting events. This would help ensure that sponsorships are undertaken responsibly and in a manner that does not excessively expose individuals to gambling advertisements.

It is commendable that the report focuses on studying the impact of gambling advertisements on harm rather than endorsing a complete ban. Taking this approach acknowledges the complexity of the issue and the need for evidence-based decision-making. By exploring alternative approaches and thoroughly evaluating the effects of gambling ads, the government and industry can implement targeted and effective measures.

Furthermore, considering the multiple stakeholders involved, including sports bodies, gambling operators, and the public, it is vital to engage in continued discussions and collaboration. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and perspectives within the industry and enable the development of well-informed and impactful policies.

Overall, the support from the BGC for the report's recommendations highlights a commitment to fostering a safer and more responsible gambling environment. By implementing these measures and conducting thorough research, the gambling industry can make significant progress towards addressing concerns related to gambling advertisements while still allowing for the enjoyment of gambling responsibly.