In some variations of roulette, the "en prison" rule can be used to adjust even-money wagers (such as Red/Black, Odd/Even, or High/Low). If the ball lands on zero, the rule allows players a chance to get their wagers back.
The "en prison" rule in roulette operates as follows:
Place an even-money wager, such as Red or Black, on the roulette wheel.
The "en prison" rule kicks in if the ball lands on zero. Your wager is "imprisoned" on the table for the following spin as opposed to being lost.
Your initial wager is released from prison and is returned to you if the ball lands on the color you bet on in the following spin. You don't receive any further winnings,
The "en prison" rule in roulette operates as follows:
Place an even-money wager, such as Red or Black, on the roulette wheel.
The "en prison" rule kicks in if the ball lands on zero. Your wager is "imprisoned" on the table for the following spin as opposed to being lost.
Your initial wager is released from prison and is returned to you if the ball lands on the color you bet on in the following spin. You don't receive any further winnings,