The Gambling Commission announces formation of its industry forum

The Gambling Commission has announced the first details of its Industry Forum, including its powers and responsibilities, as well as the positions for which it will begin hiring. The Industry Forum will serve as a separate panel of industry specialists to provide operator insights to the Commission. Operators will be able to voice their opinions on a variety of industry matters, including account management, consultations, and data programs.

The Industry Forum is expected to have roughly ten members, each representing a different aspect of the gambling industry. The Commission will begin the search for the Chair of the Forum in September, with the appointee serving a three-year term.
Let's be hopeful this Forum's early years will focus more on listening than dictating. Bringing diverse operators together is wise, but building trust and shared goals matters most. If all parties grant each other patience and open minds and companies lend expertise without aggression, together they may strengthen protection for people's wellbeing in gambling.
Industry forums offer a valuable platform for key players in the field to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange valuable insights, and collaborate towards enhancing the industry's standards and promoting responsible practices within the realm of gambling.
Bringing industry and regulators together can work, but trust needs to grow over time. The new Forum should start by learning from each other and finding shared goals, not just arguing positions. If they make player safety the top priority in all debates, and welcome feedback, it offers hope for progress.