The middle class people gamble more



A research conducted by on gamblers in the United state of America made it known that middle-class bettors always have money to play games. The reason may be because the middle class people always want to get richer and they have a zeal to make more money and become rich . As such, they would continue to gamble. A middle class will have money readily available to play with.
I think the major reason is that the middle-class individuals have money available at any point in time and they can play at any time because what is meant by a middle-class is there are people who have money readily available whenever they need it.
I think the major reason is that the middle-class individuals have money available at any point in time and they can play at any time because what is meant by a middle-class is there are people who have money readily available whenever they need it.
If you have money readily available, you can decide to gamble at any point in time. The people who cannot gamble are those who not have any cash at hand and they would want to be extra careful with their spendings.
I don't know and i don't even know anything that can be use to qualify something like. Most percentage of the people on this earth are gamblers to me. I was even surprised when i heard that majority of the senators here use to play bet and some of them even have a betting company.
Lets forget about the middle class stuff or not everybody on earth are gambler we all bet on daily basis and the percentage can be judge on the level of financial status, both the rich and poor do bet most often, my advice is just that we should learn how to bet wisely and responsibly
Lets forget about the middle class stuff or not everybody on earth are gambler we all bet on daily basis and the percentage can be judge on the level of financial status, both the rich and poor do bet most often, my advice is just that we should learn how to bet wisely and responsibly
If you're talking about the Financial status that is exactly what is meant by the middle classe. The middle class are the ones that have reached some level of financial freedom but they are not wealthy.
Middle class category is the one that hustles the most. They take every route that can take to make money. And since they always need more money for themselves, they always want to engage in different ways to get the money.
Middle class category is the one that hustles the most. They take every route that can take to make money. And since they always need more money for themselves, they always want to engage in different ways to get the money.
It is true that the middle class has money already so they can gamble at any moment in time. They may not have wealth but they are contempted and they are satisfied because they can get money anytime they wanted it.
Middle class category is the one that hustles the most. They take every route that can take to make money. And since they always need more money for themselves, they always want to engage in different ways to get the money.
You have a very valid point because the middle class are the ones who hustle the most because they want to attain financial freedom, that is why you would find them on so many platforms trying to make money.
One major thing about gambling is that it's not directed to a particular set of individual ,both the middle class , the rich class and others can actually both run gambling ,it's not particular for only one aspect