The ministry works with communities to combat internet gambling.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has initiated a collaborative approach involving communities to intensify governmental endeavors in eliminating online gambling practices. Minister Budi Arie Setiadi highlighted the proactive role of communities such as Siberkreasi in combating online gambling. "

They actively enhance digital literacy, striving to foster a healthier digital environment in Indonesia. Their initiatives span digital literacy programs and extensive discussions addressing the perils of online gambling," he emphasized on Friday. He further emphasized Siberkreasi's commitment to impart practical skills during their digital literacy initiatives, aiming to empower individuals towards greater productivity.
It is commendable to see the Ministry of Communication and Informatics taking a collaborative approach to combat online gambling by involving communities. By working together with communities such as Siberkreasi, the government is tapping into a valuable resource in their efforts to eliminate online gambling practices.

The emphasis on digital literacy is crucial in fostering a healthier digital environment in Indonesia. By enhancing digital literacy, individuals are better equipped to recognize the dangers of online gambling and make informed choices regarding their online activities. This knowledge can help protect vulnerable individuals, such as young people, from falling into the trap of online gambling.

The inclusion of extensive discussions on the perils of online gambling is also essential. It allows communities to openly address the issues related to online gambling and create awareness among their members. These discussions can shed light on the negative consequences of online gambling and help individuals understand the potential harm it can cause to their lives and relationships.

Siberkreasi's commitment to impart practical skills during their digital literacy initiatives is praiseworthy. By empowering individuals with practical skills, they are not only promoting digital literacy but also enabling individuals to be more productive in their digital pursuits. This empowerment is crucial as it encourages individuals to utilize the internet for positive and productive purposes, rather than engaging in harmful activities like online gambling.

Overall, the collaborative approach involving communities, such as Siberkreasi, is a promising step in combating online gambling in Indonesia. By leveraging the community's knowledge, resources, and commitment, the government can make significant strides in eliminating online gambling practices and fostering a safer digital environment for all Indonesians.