The Most Possible Outs



When it comes to cards, I’m always hustlin’ for the most outs possible. Them outs is life or death at this here table. See, when the action’s on you and the pot’s getting big, you need all the outs you can get. Don’t matter what cards you’re holding, only what cards are left to come.

Each card that’s burned, each chip that’s pushed into the pot, is another card outta the deck that could save your bacon. Them remaining deuces, sixes, and jacks mean the world. Every heart, diamond, club and spade left unplayed is a chance at livin’ to see another hand. Outs are optimism, outs are opportunity. As long as there’s outs, there’s hope for this hand. And in poker, hope’s as good as a full house.

The burn cards go by like they never existed, but each was a possible out, I tell ya. Outs might not win every pot, but without ‘em, you never get a chance to win at all. Outs keep ya in the game, outs are why we play. That’s what I always say: the most outs possible.
For example, in Texas Hold'em poker, if a player has a flush draw, they have nine possible outs (cards of the same suit that would complete their flush). If a player has an open-ended straight draw, they have eight possible outs (four cards on either end of the straight that would complete it).