The Origins of "Blackjack" Name



The name "blackjack" is believed to have originated from a specific rule introduced in early American casinos. In the early 20th century, to promote the game and attract more players, casinos in the United States offered a special payout for a hand that consisted of an Ace of Spades and a black Jack, typically a Jack of Spades or Clubs. This combination paid out at 10-to-1 odds, creating the term "blackjack." The promotion eventually faded away, but the name stuck.

Before this, the game was known by various names, including "21." In France, it was called "Vingt-et-Un," and in Spain, it was "Veintiuna." The game had a different history in each country, and its transition to blackjack in America is a fascinating example of how casino marketing and terminology can influence a game's name.
The origins of the name "blackjack" are somewhat murky. The most commonly accepted explanation is that the name comes from a type of bonus payout that was once offered in the game.