Three betting fundamentals that pros use to knock out players early



What are the simplest yet most effective betting strategies the pros employ to quickly take the money out of beginner players' pockets early in a game? From my experience, three fundamentals pros leverage are:

1) Loose calling: Loose calling preflop allows you to see cheap flops and catch lucky draws without risking much. This can knock out tight-passive opponents fast.

2) Aggressive raising: 3x-4x raising before the flop ensures you either take the pot right away or scare off marginal hands, reducing competition later.

3) Continuation betting: Betting the flop and turn almost every time, even with misses, keeps the pressure on opponents and tempts them to call with subpar hands.

What other staple maneuvers do pros rely on to bankrupt newbies before the money gets deep? I'd love to hear about any extra tricks pros use at the table.
There are several other betting strategies that pros use to take advantage of beginner players early in a game:

4) Stealing blinds: Pros will often raise from late positions to steal blinds from players in early positions who are playing tighter ranges.

5) Semi-bluffing: This is when a player bets with a drawing hand in the hope of improving on a later street. This puts pressure on opponents to make decisions with marginal hands or draws, potentially causing them to make mistakes.

6) Over-betting: Occasionally, a pro may make a large bet or even go all-in, even if the pot is small. This puts extreme pressure on opponents, making it difficult for them to call with anything but very strong hands.

7) Defenseless betting: This is a strategy where a player bets weakly with a strong hand in order to induce opponents to call. This can lead to larger pots later in the game when the stronger hand is revealed.

It's important to note that these strategies should not be used indiscriminately and must be adapted to different opponents and game situations. Additionally, pros must be aware of potential counter-strategies from experienced players and adjust accordingly.