Tullis hotel-casino planned for Biloxi. But development is in jeopardy due to the amendment in the original plan opposed by the authorities

The location that was originally plan for just a hotel has now decided to use the land in order to build a casino platform on the location Which is against the laws of the proposed action and their for it requires 160 million dollar more for the Honours of the property they have to options now the first of them is to buy 160 million dollar worth of property from the bioxy which is the owner of the nearby property in order to add 100 more rooms which is the minimum requirement for launching a casino service the owner of the hotel that already has invested 140 Million Dollar into the location is now looking to take the help of authorities so that they can get a beneficial deal in their favour and they also have the option to deal directly with the bioxy so that they are able to get the land and they are able to get a casino platform running on the land in date actually very soon
It seems like the development of the Tullis hotel-casino in Biloxi is facing some significant challenges with regards to the amendment in the original plan. The decision to switch from just a hotel to adding a casino platform on the location could indeed complicate matters, especially if it goes against the laws or proposed actions in place.

The need for an additional $160 million for the property owners to meet the minimum requirements for launching a casino service is a substantial amount. The options they are considering - either buying $160 million worth of property from Biloxi or negotiating directly with Biloxi - both have their own challenges and potential benefits.

Seeking help from the authorities to secure a more favorable deal could be a viable option for the property owners, as governmental intervention or assistance could potentially help in negotiations with Biloxi. However, it's also worth considering the implications of involving authorities in such dealings, as it could lead to further complications or delays in the development process.

On the other hand, negotiating directly with Biloxi might offer a more straightforward approach, but it would heavily depend on the willingness of Biloxi to cooperate and come to mutually beneficial terms with the property owners.

Overall, it is crucial for the property owners to carefully weigh their options and consider the potential risks and benefits of each approach before deciding on a course of action. Finding a solution that works for all parties involved will be key in moving the development of the Tullis hotel-casino forward successfully.
Yes you are right the authorities have taken the right action because the original plan did not included the casino services and therefore they have the right to take action against the plan and therefore the hotel that has been decided to be converted into facilities of the casino services should be paying the extra hundred million so that they are allowed to provide casino based services in their premises and location