Understanding 2-7 Triple Draw Poker Variations



Triple Draw Poker is a variant of poker where players get 3 chances to improve their hands by replacing cards, instead of one like in regular Draw Poker. Here are some key variations within Triple Draw Poker you should know:

2-7 Triple Draw: The most common type. Cards 2 through 7 are wild and can represent any rank. Players aim to make a 5-card straight, flush or full house. This version has the most hand combinations since so many cards are wild.

Aces Up Triple Draw: Only Aces are wild, making it slightly less random than 2-7 Triple Draw. Straight and flush combinations are still the best hands here.

A-5 Triple Draw: Aces and cards 5 and below are wild. Straights and flushes remain the most lucrative hands.

Standard Triple Draw: No wild cards, similar to regular Draw Poker. Best hands are still straights and flushes, though you have less options to improve your hand with the draw phases.

Hope this overview helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. I enjoy sharing my knowledge of the game. The more people learn about these variations, the more fun the card table can be for all players.