US Soccer declares agreement with Sportradar

US Soccer, the official governing body of the sport in the US, has signed a partnership with Sportradar, to make it the organisation’s first Official Betting Partner. Sportradar will have exclusive rights to collect, license and distribute official betting and media data from matches to regulated betting operators and media outlets. In addition, Sportradar also holds exclusive distribution rights for live AV streaming of US Soccer tournaments. The two companies will also develop next-generation solutions that will power sports betting, as well as introduce sport-signature bets and in-play betting opportunities
It's great to see Sportradar partnering with US Soccer! This is a major milestone for the company, as US Soccer is one of the most popular sports leagues in the country. I think this partnership will benefit both parties, as it will give Sportradar access to some of the best data in the world, and it will help US Soccer to improve its own data capabilities. This is a win-win for everyone involved, and I'm excited to see what comes next. Do you think this is the start of a long-term partnership?