What are HUDs in online poker?



HUDs (heads-up displays) in online poker are software tools that collect and display statistics about opponents at the poker table in real time. They are popular among online poker players because they can provide valuable information about an opponent's playing style, such as how often they raise or fold, how often they win at showdown, and how often they try to steal blinds. This information can be used to make more informed decisions at the table and gain an edge over opponents. Some popular HUDs include PokerTracker 4 and Hold'em Manager 3. It's worth noting that while some online poker sites allow the use of HUDs, others explicitly ban them.
Hello! HUDS are software tools that collect and display real-time statistics about opponents at the poker table. This information can be really useful to make more informed decisions and gain an edge over your opponents. Some popular HUDs include PokerTracker 4 and Hold'em Manager 3, but remember that not all online poker sites allow the use of HUDs.