In the context of roulette, "permanences" refer to records of the outcomes of previous spins. These records can be used to track the frequency of certain numbers or patterns of numbers, and some players believe that they can use this information to predict future outcomes. However, it's important to note that roulette is a game of chance, and future outcomes are not influenced by past results. The odds of hitting any given number on a roulette wheel are the same on every spin, regardless of whether that number has come up in previous spins. As for how to track permanences, there are a variety of methods that players use. Some people use pen and paper to record the outcomes of each spin, while others use special roulette software to track the results automatically.It's worth noting that some casinos may not allow players to use electronic devices or other tools to track permanences, so it's always a good idea to check with the casino before attempting to use these methods.