What are predictive roads?



Predictive roads in baccarat refer to a series of graphical representations of the outcomes of each round of the game, which are used by some players to look for patterns and predict future outcomes. The three main predictive roads in baccarat are the Big Road, the Big Eye Boy, and the Small Road. The Big Road is a grid-like representation of the outcomes of each round, with the Banker and Player outcomes marked as alternating red and blue circles. The Big Eye Boy and the Small Road are derived from the Big Road, and show patterns or deviations from the expected sequence of outcomes. While some players believe that these predictive roads can provide valuable insights into future outcomes, there is no guarantee that they will result in consistent wins or profits.
Predictive roads are a set of pattern-tracking scoreboards used in the game of baccarat to help players predict the outcome of future hands. These roads display the outcomes of previous hands and help players to identify patterns and trends in the game.