What precautions do casinos take against roulette crawlers? Some sensible safety measures I've seen are:
Casino staffs watch closely players using electronic devices near roulette tables. They may ask players to turn off any gadgets.
Casino can install jamming systems to disturb WiFi and Bluetooth signals used by robot devices to monitor roulette wheels.
Security cameras cover each table fully. Any automatic odd movements arouse staffers' suspicion and they investigate promptly.
Casino can also change wheels frequently so bots' pre-programmed calculations become outdated fast.
Staff monitor betting patterns for signs of robot's unnatural, repeating wager placements.
What more can casinos do to halt roulette robot exploit except being ever-vigilant?
Casino staffs watch closely players using electronic devices near roulette tables. They may ask players to turn off any gadgets.
Casino can install jamming systems to disturb WiFi and Bluetooth signals used by robot devices to monitor roulette wheels.
Security cameras cover each table fully. Any automatic odd movements arouse staffers' suspicion and they investigate promptly.
Casino can also change wheels frequently so bots' pre-programmed calculations become outdated fast.
Staff monitor betting patterns for signs of robot's unnatural, repeating wager placements.
What more can casinos do to halt roulette robot exploit except being ever-vigilant?