What are some common mistakes people make when taking breaks during a poker session?



Some common missteps players enact during poker breaks are neglecting chip count, losing focus, and succumbing to poor food choices.

A glass of whiskey or bottle of beer may seem pleasant during downtime, yet impairs judgment upon returning to the table. Chips discarded in between hands should not pile up, as aConstructor's count should remain ever present.

Breaks offer respite from the action, yet the game remains. Other players continue scheming, observing each other for weaknesses to exploit. Without constant calculation, odds calculations grow murky and bets too often become emotional rather than mathematical.

LIST each hand as if play never stopped. REVIEW your position, opponents, the pot's size and what's at stake with each decision. Hunger pangs may prompt unhealthy snacking, but energy and acuity depend on what you fuel your body and mind with until THAT next hand is dealt. Poker requires discipline in both wins and losses. Mindful breaks help maintain THAT EDGE. Keep YOUR EYES on the PRIZE.