What are some common mistakes players make with AA/KK?



Even the strongest starting hands can lead to trouble if not played correctly. What are some typical errors you see when players have pocket Aces or Kings? In my experience, over-aggression is the most common issue. Players raise too much preflop, assume they're unbeatable postflop, and get overly sticky when an Ace or King flops. How 'bout you? See any other beginner mistakes with these pocket rockets?
Just because you have AA/KK doesn't mean you should call every bet. If you're facing a large bet, you should consider folding, even if you think you have the best hand. This is because you don't want to get trapped with a big bet behind you and lose a lot of chips.
Another common error is not respecting the possibility of overcards even on dry flops. Just because an Ace or King didn't hit doesn't mean you're still not at risk. Aggressive betting can induce calls from overpair hands that could still end up winning.
Even though it can be challenging to fold AA or KK, particularly in some circumstances, you must take into account the possibility that your opponents have stronger hands. Particularly in multi-way pots or against aggressive opponents, don't be afraid to fold if the action indicates that you're beat.
Playing too aggressively, leading to losing control and making mistakes. Failing to consider the possibility of stronger hands or opponents' potential to improve. Neglecting to adapt strategy based on the table's aggression level or player types.
I think Ignoring board texture like Players may not consider how the community cards complement or counter their pocket aces/kings when deciding how much to bet. Also Fear of a set like Players may be overly cautious when an opponent bets strongly, assuming they've hit a set and failing to consider other possibilities.