What are some common strategies for winning at both PLO and NLH?



Some key strategies for winning at poker involve position, selective aggression, pot control, and paying attention to your opponents.
In Pot Limit Omaha and No Limit Hold’em, sit at the table with a tight starting hand range. Let others call bets with weak hands.

When you have a strong starting hand or great flop, raise decisively to control the pot size. But refrain from needlessly forcing weaker players all-in. Extract maximum value from high equity hands by gradually building the pot through multiple betting rounds.

Notice how each player approaches the game. Some are staunch maniacs looking to bluff at every turn. Others are tight-fisted nitwits calling any two cards. Determine who voluntarily adds more money to the pot with weak holdings. And who only calls with elite starting hands.

With experience, you discern subtle tells through betting amounts, flop check-raises, turn bet-sizing, and river call-downs. Integrate all aspects of player profiles, pot odds, position, and odds to make the correct bet or call at each stage.

Winning at poker demands discipline, cunning, and the liarts to maximize winnings through a blend of aggression and passivity. Luck comes and goes, but strategy endures.
In both NLH and PLO, bluffing is a common tactic. When you have mediocre or drawing hands, you can still win pots by using well-timed bluffs and semi-bluffs. However, bluffing needs to be employed sparingly and in accordance with the unique game dynamics.
Understand the pot odds and implied odds. Pot odds are the amount of money you need to win in order to justify calling a bet. Implied odds are the amount of money you expect to win if you call a bet and make your hand. Both of these concepts are important for making good decisions about whether to call or fold.Understand the pot odds and implied odds.