What are some common tells to look for in opponents?



You wanna win at poker, you gotta get good at readin’ your opponents. And that ain’t just about the cards they’re showin’ - you’re talkin’ about spotting those tells.

Does your opponent make a lot of eye contact? Too much eye contact could mean aces or kings. But no eye contact at all could mean air too, so take that with a grain of salt. The fidgets though, that’s a sign of weakness lookin’ to make a big splash. See if he’s raising/calling more than normal, could be a bluff.

How he acts, that’s the gold. Forget the sweet talk, watch how the chips are moving. Be paying close attention to how fast/slow, thoughtful/impulsive each bet is. Fast play usually means bluffing or weak hands, slow/deliberate going all-in usually means a ton of heat.

Defensive vs offensive, that split’ll tell you tons. Calling/raising a little on defense? Weak hands wanting to stay alive. Aggressive raising/3-betting on offense? Now you got a problem!

Bet sizing too, irregular sizes often mean an itchy trigger finger. This cat likes to bluff and get under the radar. But they raise regularly, have a big 3-bet in their range and like to squeeze? Power player, watch out!

Those tells combined, that’s how you separate the puppies from the whales. But they don’t prove a damn thing alone. No tell proves exactly what’s in another player’s hand. You put multiple together, that’s when the picture starts to take shape. A guy fidgeting defensively with irregular bets, yeah that’s probably weak. But you never have enough info to say for sure what they’re holding.

The games about probabilities baby, about making smarter decisions than the next guy. Paying close enough attention to have the odds tilted just a bit in your favor. Study each player like they’re an open book waiting to be read. And trust your reads without going all-in on anyone’s holdings based on behavior alone - there’s always gonna be leaks!

You’re focused. You’re paying sharp. Before long, you’ll be lighting up the tables by anticipating that action and rambling right through it. The tells you spot in no time, and your old moves become second nature.

You keep applying yourself like that - the way winners do - and winning will be all in a day’s work! Study, observe, embellish your game. That’s all there is to sweeping up at the tables. You ready? Let’s go play some poker!
Poker players attempt to read their opponents by using a number of popular tells. Sometimes a player's body language might reveal information about how strong their hand is. When they have a lesser hand, for instance, they could appear more uptight or anxious.
Taking note of an opponent's posture and actions can provide important insights. Leaning toward the table, for instance, can suggest confidence and a strong hand, but leaning back and displaying indifference could suggest a weak hand.
I think one is Avoiding eye contact or staring intently Also Changes in tone of voice or speech patterns , like Familiarity with hand gestures or body movements that may indicate strength or weakness.