What are some of the most popular prizes on the Wheel of Fortune?



The good folks at Wheel certainly know how to dangle some mighty fine carrots. Free vacations, luxury cars, boats and cash prizes are always top generators of spin-the-wheel fever. Not a dime left unsalted there, my friends.

Every red-blooded American with a platter of nachos in his lap finds the words ‘Brivido Caribbean Cruise’ tickling his fancy. Whose heart don’t race at the chance to win the keys to a Cadillac Escalade? The opportunity to sail into the sunset on a gleaming yacht is enough to set folk wandering what port they’d dock their prize possession.

Cash is king though, as always. May the luck that kissed Pat Sajak kindly on the cheek today embrace your callused palm come contestant selection time! Nothing lifts the spirits nor lightens the wallet like the chance to walk away with twenty-five grand in pocket change. That’s the stuff of dreams, I tell you.