What are some ways to identify weak players?



Weak players overplay poor starting hands or mediocre community cards, clinging to hope rather than probability. Their betting and folding actions lack conviction, wavering based on minor fluctuations in perceived hand strength.

Loose-aggressive weak players make large bets and raises with a wide range but irrelevant hand selection. Tight-passive weak players call too frequently with weak holdings, unwilling to commit more money without supreme strength.

Weaker opponents typically splash pot-sized bets around without consideration of the info available or potential showdown value. Look for the players who fold or raise randomly, unable to discern strategic differences between marginal, solid or premium holdings. Weakness leaks out through an undisciplined application of the odds. Skilled players know how to find these leaks.
I think Limited knowledge of the rules or strategies like Lack of physical fitness or endurance ,also Limited ability to adapt to changing game situations
Poor decision-making skills.
The strength or weakness of a player's hand can also be inferred from their physical demeanor and behavior. A weaker hand could be indicated, for instance, by shielding hole cards more than usual, appearing at ease before placing a wager, or making specific gestures.