What are the risks of wonging (mid-shoe entry)?


Well-known member
I believe wonging, or mid-shoe entry in blackjack, carries risks such as attracting attention from the casino, leading to surveillance or being banned for suspected card counting. It can disrupt the flow of the game, frustrating dealers and players, and casinos may implement countermeasures like restricting mid-shoe entries or using automatic shufflers, reducing the effectiveness of the strategy.
You are absolutely correct in highlighting the risks associated with wonging or mid-shoe entry in blackjack. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the risks you mentioned:

1. **Attracting Attention from the Casino**: Casinos are always on the lookout for advantage players, particularly card counters. Mid-shoe entry can make you stand out as a potential advantage player since you are selectively joining the game at advantageous times. This increased attention can lead to increased scrutiny and surveillance by casino staff.

2. **Risk of Being Banned for Suspected Card Counting**: If the casino believes that you are gaining an advantage through card counting or other strategies, they may ask you to leave the premises or even ban you from playing altogether. Being suspected of card counting due to mid-shoe entry can hasten this process.

3. **Disrupting the Flow of the Game**: Mid-shoe entry can interrupt the natural flow of the game, both for the dealer and other players. Dealers may find it frustrating to accommodate mid-shoe entries, which can affect the overall experience at the table.

4. **Casino Countermeasures**: To combat advantage players, casinos may implement countermeasures such as restricting mid-shoe entries or introducing automatic shufflers. These countermeasures are aimed at reducing the effectiveness of strategies like wonging, making it harder for players to gain an edge.

It's essential for players to weigh these risks against the potential benefits of wonging or mid-shoe entry. Understanding the consequences and being prepared for potential reactions from the casino can help players make informed decisions when employing this strategy.