What are the two factors to consider before playing the slot?



There are two factors that you must consider before playing the slot games . You must ensure to consider these two factors if you really want to make profit from slot . They are the major determinant of the possibilities of making profit from slot . These factors are
1) budget
2) game volatility

You must really consider them if you want to be successful in slot.
One must consider the bankroll that they should be splitting into copious amounts to stand a good chance of winning. They must also quickly ascertain the type of slot machine they are facing, as this can also help immensely.
There are two main factors to consider before playing any slot machine: RTP (return to player) and volatility. RTP is the percentage of money that the machine will pay out over time, and it's usually between 90% and 97%. The higher the RTP, the better your chances of winning.