What betting sites are available to bet on wrestling?


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Wrestling is in many people’s opinion the toughest and most demanding sport there is yet possibly one of the most misunderstood. Many people have little to no contact with this great sport and therefore, do not understand much of how the sport works. Wrestling is a very simple sport in its conception, but extremely intricate and precise in execution. With this being said, what betting sites are you aware of that offer odds on wrestling?
I've never seen any betting site that have odds for wrestling and I've never really see anybody that's betting on wrestling. Wrestling is not really like most other sport and people even say wrestling is just an entertainment
I've never seen any betting site that have odds for wrestling and I've never really see anybody that's betting on wrestling. Wrestling is not really like most other sport and people even say wrestling is just an entertainment
Your assertion is valid. I have never seen any sportsbook display odds and markets with respect to wrestling. I even posted a story where the WWE were believed to be in talks with gambling authorities which could herald its introduction to betting sites