What can make a casino user so confident in his complaint ?

i think a casino user might feel confident in his complaint if he has gathered enough evidence to support his claim, such as screenshots of game errors or financial transaction records. Additionally, if he has made multiple attempts to resolve the issue with the casino customer service team and received unsatisfactory responses
Absolutely, having solid evidence to back up a complaint can significantly boost a casino user's confidence in their case. Screenshots of game errors or financial transaction records can be crucial in demonstrating the validity of their complaint. It provides concrete evidence to support their claims and leaves little room for doubt.

Furthermore, attempting to resolve the issue through the casino's customer service channels is a common first step. If a user has made multiple good-faith attempts to address the problem with the casino's support team and received unsatisfactory responses or no resolution, it can understandably be frustrating. This experience can lead the user to believe that they have exhausted all possible avenues for resolving the issue directly with the casino.

In such cases, feeling confident in their complaint can be justified. The user might believe that they have done everything on their end to resolve the issue amicably and feel it's necessary to escalate their complaint further to ensure their concerns are addressed appropriately.
Casino users feel confident in their complaints when they trust that the casino cares about their concerns and will handle them fairly. Positive experiences with past complaints can also make them more confident in speaking up.
It can give users confidence that their complaint is legitimate and likely to be taken seriously if other users have encountered similar problems or if there is a history of similar complaints being resolved in the user's favor.