What cartoon character your favorite poker player reminds you of?



If I had to pick a cartoon poker player, Bugs Bunny would be at the top of my list.

That crafty old hare always seems to have an ace up his sleeve and a trick or two up his cotton tail. The way he casually saunters into each poker game, carrots conveniently sticking out of his mouth, makes you think he's just some silly idiot. But soon enough, Bugs starts making impossible calls, pulling off bluffs so dumbfoundingly brilliant that even the dumbest oaf could see through them.

Before you know it, Bugs has the whole table on tilt, using logic that only makes sense in Looney Tunes. And when one of those bullies finally cracks and tries to throw a punch, Bugs disappears in a puff of smoke, pocket full of their cash and giggling all the way to the bank.

Yep, tricks and deceit run deep in that wily old rabbit. I figure any player able to outwit Wile E. Coyote at the poker table would give me a real run for my money. Bugs Bunny's got my vote as the coolest cartoon poker champ out there!