What do you wish the game "Poker" did not have?



Pot luck drawin's and five card stud give too much away up front, sapping the thrill of the chase. Fish at the table who can't calculate odds for their life bog things down with constant questions. Some rooms allow too much chatter - if I wanted commentary I'd watch sports.

The rise of online poker eliminated lovely smoky dens but now every nit with an internet connection thinks they're a pro. Computer algorithms can't replicate the tells and instincts that emerge from face to face play.

And don't get me started on tournaments! So much time wasted on worthless chips and little payoff. I'll stick to cash games where I can come and go as I please, raise or fold each hand, and enjoy a decent smoke without hassle. Keep it simple is my motto - just cards, chips, and competition. That's all a real player needs.