What does "bad beat" mean in poker?



What does "bad beat" mean in poker?

In poker, a "bad beat" occurs when a player who has a statistically strong hand and a high chance of winning loses to a rival who initially had an inferior hand but managed to strengthen it and win the pot by drawing a lucky card or cards on subsequent streets.

When the unthinkable occurs and a player loses while being the clear favourite, that is referred to as a bad beat. The phrase is frequently used to refer to a hand in which the underdog manages to beat the odds by drawing a lucky card, usually on the river (the last communal card dealt).

Consider a scenario when a player has pocket Aces, the ideal opening hand.
They raise and get called by a player holding 7-2 offsuit, which is among the worst starting hands in poker. However, the flop (the first three communal cards dealt) comes 7-7-A, meaning the player with Aces has three-of-a-kind, a very strong hand. The other player, who initially had almost no chance of winning, now has an outside chance of winning if they manage to get a 7 on the turn or river, which is unlikely but not impossible.

The turn (the fourth communal card dealt) is a harmless 4, but the river (the fifth and final communal card) is another 7, giving the player with 7-2 offsuit four-of-a-kind and victory over the player with pocket Aces, who suffered a bad beat.

Bad beats are painful to experience for the player who had the strongest hand and are considered to be an unfortunate part of the game. However, they can also lead to massive payouts in certain situations, such as when players are competing in special jackpot games where a portion of the pot is set aside for players who suffer bad beats.