What emotions do you experience when gambling?



When gambling, people can experience a range of emotions depending on their individual experiences and circumstances. Here are some common emotions that people may experience while gambling:
Excitement: Gambling can be thrilling and exciting, especially when there's a possibility of winning a significant amount of money or when playing high-stakes games.
 Anticipation: The anticipation of the outcome, whether it's waiting for the roulette wheel to stop or the cards to be revealed, can create a sense of excitement and anticipation.
 Joy and Happiness: Winning a bet or hitting a jackpot can elicit feelings of joy, happiness, and satisfaction.
On the other hand, losing can cause negative emotions such as:
 Disappointment: Losing a bet or not winning as much as they had hoped can lead to feelings of disappointment.
 Frustration: Repeated losses or not being able to get a winning streak can be frustrating and aggravating.
 Anxiety and Stress: When a person is gambling beyond their financial means or with money they cannot afford to lose, this can cause anxiety and stress.
 Shame and Guilt: When a person realizes they have spent too much money, their gambling habits have affected their relationships, or they are struggling to manage their gambling, they may experience feelings of shame and guilt.
It is important to recognize and understand the emotions that can come with gambling. By doing so, individuals can seek help if they need it and can take steps to practice responsible gambling.
My emotion while gambling is not always stable, attimes I can be sad and sometimes I can be happy, it's based on my ticket that I bet on, there's always some level of excitement when I win my ticket than losing tickets.
Assessment of state of mind matters a lot before engaging in gambling. You must examine your mind status. When your emotion is low, that means your psycho is high and stable, therefore you can engage in gambling. But when your emotion is high, that means your state of mind is low and unstable, therefore it is advisable to desist and quit gambling.
It very much depends on how much I bet If I bet a lot, then I feel pressure and things like that I don't bet a lot for sure so I don't make much but some people bet really good money and then lose all of it
I tried to put my emotion under control. I don't allow impulse to take control of my body system. During gambling, I do allow self discipline to guide my gambling activities which has helped me in not exceeding responsible gambling. Irrespective of the outcome of my gambling, I don't allow emotional feeling to misguided my decision making.
The situation most of the time will determine the emotional state of mind of the gambler. A happy gambler now may be a sad one in the next minute. It all depends on the current situation of the gamblers.