What is a "side pot"?



What in poker is a "side pot"?

When a person goes all-in in a poker hand but other players keep betting, a side pot, which is a second pot, is created. It happens when one or more players have more chips than the all-in player, allowing them to place bets that are higher than the all-in player's current stack.

The first pot, which contains all of the bets placed by the all-in player and any other players who were able to match those bets, is known as the main pot. On the other hand, the side pot is made up of the additional bets placed by players who have more chips than the all-in player.
The main pot is awarded to the player with the best hand among those who are still in the hand. The side pot is awarded to the player with the best hand among those who continued to bet after the all-in player. It is possible for there to be multiple side pots in a game of poker, depending on how many players stay in the hand and continue to bet.

It is important to note that in order for players to win a side pot, they must have enough chips to cover the bets they placed in that pot. If a player wins the side pot but is unable to cover their own bets in the main pot, they can't win that pot.

Side pots add an interesting dynamic to the game of poker as they create additional opportunities for players to win more money. It also adds more strategy as players must decide whether or not to continue betting and creating a side pot, or to minimize their losses by folding.
In poker, a side pot refers to a separate betting pot that is created when one or more players are all-in during a hand. When a player goes all-in, they are betting all of their remaining chips. If other players continue to bet after the all-in player, those additional bets are placed in a separate pot called the side pot.

The main pot, which includes the all-in player's initial bet, is contested only by the players who are still active in the hand and have not gone all-in. They can only win or lose the chips that were in the pot at the time of the all-in.

The side pot is created to accommodate the additional bets made by the remaining players who have more chips than the all-in player. Only those players who contributed to the side pot can win it. In other words, if the all-in player has the best hand, they can only win the main pot, while the remaining players compete for the side pot.