What is a "squeeze ritual" in Baccarat?



In Baccarat, the "squeeze ritual" refers to a practice that adds excitement and suspense to the game, particularly in high-stakes games and Asian gaming cultures. The squeeze ritual is not an essential part of the game but is often performed to enhance the overall experience for the players involved.

During the squeeze ritual, the player who has placed the largest wager on either the Player or Banker hand is given the opportunity to gradually reveal the cards' values by slowly peeling back the edges or corners of the cards. This process is done in a dramatic and deliberate manner, heightening the anticipation for all participants.
The squeeze ritual is often associated with the Player hand, but it can also be done for the Banker hand, depending on the casino's customs or the players' preferences. The purpose is to make the game more interactive and thrilling, as players eagerly await the final outcome.

When the squeeze ritual begins, the designated player gently lifts and peels back the edges of one or more cards in a slow and deliberate manner. This gradual reveal of the card's value increases the suspense, as each inch revealed could potentially change the outcome of the hand. The player can choose to uncover as much or as little of the card as they like, which adds an element of strategy and decision-making to the process.

While the squeeze ritual is mostly symbolic and doesn't affect the actual outcome of the game, it allows the participants to feel more engaged and involved in the gameplay. It also adds an element of psychological gameplay, as players try to interpret their opponents' reactions and anticipate the final result based on the partially revealed cards.

It's worth noting that the squeeze ritual is more commonly practiced in high-stakes games and in Asian gaming cultures, where superstition and ritual play a significant role. In some casinos, the actual squeezing of cards may be done by the dealer or a designated employee rather than the player themselves.

Overall, the squeeze ritual in Baccarat is an optional and theatrical practice that enhances the excitement and anticipation of the game. It adds an extra layer of suspense and engagement for players, making it a popular tradition in certain gaming circles.