What is coffee housing?



In poker, coffee housing refers to talking about a hand in a way that is intended to mislead or manipulate other players. This can involve discussing the details of a hand in progress in order to influence the decisions of other players at the table. It is generally considered bad etiquette, as it can disrupt the natural flow of the game and create an unfair advantage for certain players. Some players intentionally engage in coffee housing as a strategy, while others view it as unsportsmanlike and disrespectful.
That's a great explanation! To add to that, coffee housing can also refer to non-verbal behavior or gestures that are intended to convey information to other players in a subtle or indirect way. For example, a player might make a show of looking uninterested in a hand or feigning disappointment after a loss in order to lure other players into a false sense of security. Coffee housing can be especially effective if other players are not paying close attention to the table or if they are easily influenced by subtle cues from other players. However, it is important to note that outright deception or collusion is not allowed in poker and can result in penalties or disqualification from a game or tournament.