What Is Gambling Addition


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Gambling Addition can be classed as mental health condition.it has similarities to other Gambling Addition, such as a chemical drug addiction, and other impulse control disorder, such as plyromania or kelptomania

In all of this cases, the person with Addition can not stop their behavior even where they realize it is hunting themselves or their love ones.it is important to remember that not everyone suffering from Gambling Addition will experience the same symptoms or level of intensity.
It's widely referred to as compulsive gambling without control. You will always have uncontrollable urge to always gamble in as much there's money with you, even if there's no money, you might even be push to borrow money just to gamble
I never like anything called addiction, gambling addiction is a very bad thing, when you're addicted to gambling you can't know when to take a break after when you have made so many losses on the platform, addiction is a very bad thing to do
Generally, addiction is a bad traits in human nature. Addiction can come in any forms be in womanization, drunkard, smoking, drugging etc. The mother of it all is gambling. Whoever that is addicted to gambling is playing around wretched life. Though there are times the gambling pays him, but most times, it resulted into loses.
Gambling addiction is when you are actually gambling frequently without any motive of taking a break ,there are some gamblers that are always gambling ,instead of considering the management of funds they don't put that in mind
Gambling addiction is a situation where the victim is always eager to bet on gambling events uncontrollably. It is a psychological disorder which involves the brain to be craving for betting even at the risk of losing.
Someone could be liking to addicted to gambling if he can do anything to gamble. He can even sell his properties just to wager on events that the probability of making correct predictions is slim.