What is more difficult to manage a win or a loss?



Losin’ at poker can be plumb difficult to manage, count on it. When the money’s not gonna your way, it’s easy to get angry, start makin’ foolish plays trying to win it back, or stew over the “shoulda, coulda, woulda”. Winning, now that’s a whole ‘nother challenge.

When you’re raking in pots, addin’ chips to your stack, it’s human nature to get overconfident. You start to believe every hand’s a winner, the winning streak’s never gonna end. Before you know it, you’re calling bets with mediocre hands just chasin’ that luck, when really the odds haven’t changed. Eventually, the wheel’s gonna spin the other way again.

The smart player, he manages both wins and losses even keel. He enjoys the wins but never goes “all in”, he knows the hot streak ends as fast as it starts. And he walks away from the table periodically, to keep a clear head win or lose. Staying disciplined that way will keep the money in your pocket long after the cards have been put away. That’s real poker wisdom, partner. Knowing how to handle both the wins and losses.