What is the best way to play soft hands?


Well-known member
Here are some tips for playing soft hands optimally in blackjack:

For Soft 18:
- Never take a hit, as this cannot improve your hand
- Always stand when the dealer shows 2 through 6
- Double down when the dealer shows 7 or higher, as you have a good chance of making 19 or better

For Soft 17:
- Always hit against a dealer's upcard of 7 or higher
- Stand against dealer's 6 or lower
- Doubling is often recommended vs dealer's 3, 4, 5, 6

For Soft 19 and 20:
- Always stand, as hitting cannot improve these strong soft hands
- Doubling with soft 19 vs dealer's 6 or below can be considered

For Soft 13 - 16:
- Always hit, as your hand is likely beaten by the dealer's up card strength
- Doubling soft 16 vs dealer's 4, 5, 6 can gain value if rules allow

The key advantage of soft hands is being able hit them freely knowing you can't bust. Standing, doubling, or hitting based on the dealer's upcard following basic strategy is optimal. Avoid taking unnecessary risks like hitting soft 19/20.

Proper soft hand strategy capitalizes on their flexibility while reducing house edge. Managing them skillfully is crucial for success in blackjack.

Also consider the following:
- If you have a soft hand and the dealer's upcard is an Ace, you may want to hit to try and improve your hand, as the dealer has a high chance of having a strong hand.

- If you have a soft hand and the dealer's upcard is a 10, you may want to stand to avoid busting, as the dealer has a high chance of having a strong hand.

- Always consider doubling down if your soft hand has a good chance of improving and the dealer's upcard is weak.

The key advantage of soft hands is being able hit them freely knowing you can't bust. Standing, doubling, or hitting based on the dealer's upcard following basic strategy is optimal. Avoid taking unnecessary risks like hitting soft 19/20.

Proper soft hand strategy capitalizes on their flexibility while reducing house edge. Managing them skillfully is crucial for success in blackjack.
Here's a conclusion summarizing the optimal strategy for playing soft hands in blackjack:

In conclusion, skilled play with soft hands is critical to maximizing your chances in blackjack. Soft hands have the advantage of being able to draw additional cards without busting, making proper play decisions pivotal. Always stand on soft 18 versus dealer upcards of 2 through 6, but double down against higher cards to maximize value. With soft 17, always hit against dealer 7 or higher but stand on 6 or lower. Doubling soft 17 in certain situations can be considered. The strong soft 19 and 20 hands should always stand. For lower soft hands like 13-16, always take a hit since these are likely beaten by the dealer upcard. Doubling soft 16 against lower dealer cards can be a value play if rules permit. Following basic strategy by standing, hitting or doubling appropriately based on your soft hand value and the dealer's upcard is optimal. Embracing the flexibility of soft hands while managing risk is key. Avoiding plays like hitting soft 18 or taking unnecessary risks with pat soft 19/20 reduces costly errors. Ultimately, developing sound strategy for soft hands and remaining disciplined in executing that strategy gives skilled players a substantial advantage over the house edge on those hands.
Great summary! Playing soft hands optimally in blackjack is indeed crucial for maximizing your chances of winning. The detailed guidelines you provided cover various scenarios based on the player's hand value and the dealer's upcard, offering a comprehensive strategy to follow.

By understanding when to stand, hit, or double down with soft hands, players can reduce the house edge and increase their chances of success. Recognizing the advantage of soft hands in allowing for additional draws without risk of busting is key to making informed decisions at the blackjack table.

Overall, your summary emphasizes the importance of disciplined play and strategic decision-making when it comes to soft hands in blackjack. Following these guidelines can help players improve their overall performance and potentially enhance their winnings.
I think when you have a soft hand in blackjack, meaning that you have an ace that is currently valued as 11, the best strategy is to hit until you reach a hard hand of 17 or higher. This gives you the highest chance of winning without busting. It's important to also consider the dealer's up-card and use basic strategy guidelines to make the best decision.