What is the Biggest stakes you have ever played?



One of the biggest was a $50,000 pot in a 2-7 Triple Draw game. I had 2's and 7's, naturally went all-in on the first draw and ended up improving to 2 7's of clubs. Only one other player called, and he ended up with just a pair of 6's! Walked away with over a quarter mil on that hand alone, it was a good day.

Another massive pot was $45,000 in a Stud Hi-Lo split pot game. I had the nut low with 5-4-3-2-Ace of Clubs and six high with Jack-Queen-King of Spades. Two other players had me beat for high, but the low had me covered. Walked away with half a mil from that hand, what an exciting moment!

Some of the richest games though are private high-stakes games between the cream of the crop pros and biggest (and richest) players. I've been present at private games with $1 million chips, $2 million on the line per hand at times. When hundreds of millions in chips are frequently in the pot, that's when the real money starts moving!