What is the difference between game selection and bum hunting?



There is some debate in the poker community over the exact difference between game selection and bum hunting, but generally speaking, game selection refers to the practice of looking for tables where you have an edge, whether that is because of weaker opponents or favorable game conditions.
On the other hand, bum hunting is generally used to describe the practice of targeting specific weaker players at a table and avoiding playing against stronger players. Bum hunting can be seen as a more unethical and exploitative form of game selection, as it can lead to the stronger players leaving the game, causing it to eventually break apart.
However, some argue that the line between game selection and bum hunting can be blurred, and that ultimately both practices are about finding the best game to play in. The important thing is to not engage in behavior that is considered unethical, such as ganging up on weaker players or using collusion tactics